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Celulita:Cauze, tratament si preventie

Celulita:Cauze, tratament si preventieCelulita este o conditie a pielii, prin care aceasta poate prezenta zone cu depuneri de grasimi, prezentand un look inestetic. Este prezenta indeosebi pe coapse si pe picioare, locuri unde este de altfel si cel mai usor de observat. Cea mai buna folie pentru termocuverta, poate fi gasita pe!

Primele semne ale celulitei apar de obicei la pubertate. Aceasta conditie a pielii mai poarta si numele de edem adipos, dermopanniculosis deformans sau status protrusus cutis, in limbaj medical. In limbajul colocvial cu care ne-am obisnuit, intalnim pur si simplu numele de celulita.

Dermatologii spun ca celulita poate afecta pana 90% din femei, la un moment dat in viata.

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Great Weight Loss Tips That Are Easy To Follow

Great Weight Loss Tips That Are Easy To FollowEverybody knows someone who is trying to lose weight. Obesity is an epidemic, and it is not going away.
Fad diets and quick weight-loss schemes flood the market, but hardly any one of them is effective for the long-term.

The fact is, losing weight boils down to two basic facts: eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. These simple things are easier said than done.

If you are looking for some effective solutions on how you can get back to a healthier way of living and lose weight, read this article for some helpful ideas.Water is really the source of life. Your body must be regularly replenished with water to keep your body cells healthy and hydrated. When you have your meals, drink water with it instead of other beverages.

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