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Schimbari in sistemul de operare de pe iPhone 5S

Schimbari in sistemul de operare de pe iPhone 5SSistemul iOS 7 reprezinta un pas inainte foarte important, daca luam in considerare versiunile mai vechi, prezente pe device-urile din generatia iPhone 4, 3, etc.

Potrivit Apple, acest refresh important, include peste 200 de optiuni si facilitati noi. Pentru inlocuire baterie iPhone 5s efectuata cu piese de schimb originale, viziteaza-i pe cei de la ServiceGsm.ro!

Home-Screen-ul adica ecranul de intampinare a fost reconstruit de la 0. Pe de alta parte, a disparut butonul “slide to unlock”, o optiune prezenta pe device-urile iPhone inca din anul 2007. In locul sau este prezent acum un text simplu, o marca a sistemului de operare, acompaniat de o sageata ce sugereaza directia pe care se poate executa swipe.

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Women who inspired feminine beauty at London Agency Escort

Women who inspired feminine beauty at London Agency EscortFeminine beauty was inspired by the most popular characters, but now we are speaking of the motivational meaning role of a woman. Because it is all about women, they are in charge.

Behind every successful man is a woman more powerful alpha. Some of the most pleasant situations are when women are worshiped and adored. Maybe life is such a way that men appreciate what is happening behind them.

With women, with a good company, a man can believe in the power of seduction and what makes them feel alive. An experience of a life is a moment spent in the company of the best models, even if they are called escorts. When you get in London after a long flight and you’re still uptight or stressed, you need someone to help you rinse your thoughts. That is why the best solution is offered to you by London Agency Escort.

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