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Cum alegi o companie de web design?

Cum alegi o companie de web design?
In momentul in care vrei sa iti faci cunoscuta afacerea in mediul online, ai nevoie de un site al firmei, asa ca inainte de a cauta web design company, este important sa stii cum sa alegi compania de web design.

Pentru a face cea mai buna alegere, trebuie sa ai cele mai bune raspunsuri pentru cateva intrebari, iar in cele ce urmeaza vei vedea despre ce este vorba.

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De unde provine termenul SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

De unde provine termenul SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?Primele motoare de cautare au aparut la inceputul anilor 90. Pana cand Google a aparut in 1996, multe au fost create, inclusiv Yahoo. Boom-ul web a inceput. Oamenii si-au dat seama ca ai putea sa faci bani cu ele. Asa ca au ajuns la concluzia ca trebuie sa atraga traficul. Care a fost cea mai buna metoda de atragere a traficului? Motoarele de cautare. In acel moment proprietarii de site-uri au inceput sa se gandeasca cum ar putea ajunge la primele pozitii … SEO s-a nascut!

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Digital catalogues versus printed catalogues

Digital catalogues versus printed cataloguesIn any business the way you look in front of your clients is very important for the future development and also for maintaining the good image that you had so far.

Still, along with the technology development, it is pretty hard to stay on top using the traditional way, and that lead us to an issue that may make the difference for your business. What shall we use? A printed catalogue or a digital one, in order to show your customers the desired products?

Indulge us and let’s make together an imagination exercise and let’s consider the following. Suppose that you are a developer in the construction area. You might sell, let’s say… construction machines and equipment: excavators, cranes and platforms. In a logical way, you will not keep these machines in your own back yard. Some would be available on stock, and so will need to be brought from the company that you are buying from.

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