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Is such a thing possible: maximum quality at minimum costs

Is such a thing possible: maximum quality at minimum costs
In the current economic context, the key word is the optimization of production and cost efficiency, so as to obtain maximum quality with minimum production costs. To turn this dream into reality, engineers have designed and produced large-scale solutions regarding a wide range of offset presses.

Why invest in a new printing machine when you can have the manufacturing facilities and quality control specific to brand new presses for existing presses. It’s like doing a <tunning> of the press – with a minimum investment, amortized in only 2-3 months, you get better performance from both points of view: quality and quantity.

There are solutions which improve production and quality performance of existing offset presses regardless of their type and model. These solutions can be used for almost all offset flat presses and rotary presses, ranging from the older generation to the latest generation (eg Heidelberg CP2000). 

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