5 of the worst nutritional advices in history

5 of the worst nutritional advices in history
History of nutrition has many nonsense . People have been counseled to do all kind of strange things that cause good sense. Some of these things aren’t only unnecessary but can be harmful too. The worst aspect is that many are still promoting the wrong advice. In this article find five of the worst diet tips ever.

1.    Throwing eggs yolks, the most nutritious part of the egg

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the world. Nutrients in an egg contain the necessary components to transform a single cell in a fertilized chicken. There is only one problem – the yolks contain a lot of cholesterol and because of this people believe they raise cholesterol level in the blood. Therefore, many nutrition professionals often recommend to limit egg consumption to 2-6 eggs per week.

Still, most of them said that we can eat more eggs as long as we throw away the yolks. If we do this is very bad because the yolks contain almost all the nutrients. Whites only contain mostly protein.

Many studies have examined the consumption of eggs and cholesterol levels: 70% of people didn’t had altered cholesterol levels (1). The remaining 30% ( called hyper-responders ) had increased levels of HDL cholesterol ( good ), LDL particles becoming large, ie friendly ( 2, 3, 4 ). In fact, many studies, some involving so many people that have analyzed egg consumption and heart disease risk in healthy people and found no association between the two ( 5, 6, 7).

In addition, don’t forget that eggs have many amazing benefits:
•    Contain high quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – nearly all the nutrients our body needs (8).
•    They are rich in choline, a brain nutrient that 90% of people do not have the fully (9).
•    Contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that protect the eyes, reducing the risk of various diseases of the eye (10, 11, 12).
Eggs are among the most recommended foods to lose weight. Replacing a breakfast cereal based with eggs increases satiety and may help you eat less, losing weight (13, 14).

Also, eggs are cheap, easy to prepare and taste very good. Eggs are truly perfect foods provided by nature. Throwing the yolk is the worst thing you can do.
Conclusion: The yolks are very nutritious. The cholesterol they contain doesn’t increases bad cholesterol in the blood or risk of heart disease.

2.    Everyone should take a low-fat diet , high-carb, even people suffering from diabetes

Universal advice to keep a low-fat diet was not based on scientific evidence. Initially it was based on several observational studies, animal experiments and wrong political decisions. Although there was no evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease at that time ( and even now ), some scientists were convinced that they are harmful and that low-fat diet might prevent cardiovascular disease. This was the official position of governments and organizations in the field of nutrition all over the world for decades. At that time the rate of obesity and type 2 diabetes has increased very much. Since then, many studies have been carried out on low-fat diets.

The largest and most expensive trial in history, The Women’s Health Initiative, grouped 48 835 women as: a group held a low-fat diet and the other continued to eat the standard western diet. After 7.5-8 years, was a difference in weight of only 0.4 kg. And there was no reduction in heart disease or cancer ( 15, 16, 17, 18 ).

Many other studies have led to the same conclusion: the diet recommended by nutritionists still simply does not work (19, 20). The truth is that low-fat diet failed miserably. Almost every time when compared to other diet in one study, loose ( 21, 22 ). Even people suffering from diabetes have been advised to follow this type of diet that benefits only drug factories. It is a simple biochemical fact that blood glucose level is increased by carbohydrates. This keeps patients with diabetes dependents on drugs that lower blood glucose levels ( 23 ).

Although low-fat diets may be fine for healthy people, they are a disaster for people with obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Fact, several studies show that low-fat diets may adversely affect the key factors of syndrome of metabolic and heart disease. They can elevate triglycerides, and may reduce the HDL cholesterol , increases small particles, dense LDL ( 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ). Is time that nutritionists to eliminate this ridiculous low-fat diet and apologize for the wrong done in many decades.

Conclusion: The low-fat diet is a miserable failure. Failed in all major trials, but still recommended by governments and organizations nutrition worldwide .

3.    A calorie is a calorie, food quality is less important

Excessive focus on calories is one of the biggest mistakes in the history of nutrition. There is the myth that what matters most is the caloric value of foods, not foods from which calories come. The truth is that calories are important, but this does not mean you have to count them or be aware of them. People were generally very healthy and thin before to find that there are calories. It is important to realize that different foods have different effects on hormones and the brain centers that control what, when and how we eat, and the number of calories you burn ( 30, 31 ).

Here are two examples that show why a calorie is not a calorie:
•    Proteins: eating a high protein diet may boost the metabolism by 80-100 calories a day and can significantly reduce appetite and cravings. Calories from protein has a different effect to the carbohydrate or fats ( 32, 33, 34 .
•    Satiety: studies show that different foods have different effects on satiety. You need fewer calories from protein to satisfy you if you eat eggs or boiled potatoes compared to donuts or ice cream (35).

There are many other examples of foods or macronutrients that have very different effects on hunger and hormones. Myth which claims that all that matters for weight ( and health ) are calories, is wrong. Conclusion: the idea that calories are more important than the quality of food is a big mistake. Different foods directly affect hormones and the brain centers that control our eating habits.

4.    Usage of polyunsaturated oils for cooking

We are often advised to eat seed oils, and vegetable oils that contain more polyunsaturated fats. These oils, including soybean, corn, canola and cotton, as shown in some studies, may reduce cholesterol levels. However if something lowers cholesterol, does not mean it will prevent heart disease.

Cholesterol is a risk factor, but the end is what matters ( such as heart attack and death ). There is actually a number of studies that have found that despite the drop in cholesterol, these oils may increase the risk of heart disease ( 36, 37 ). In addition, these oils are harmful from another reason: they are full of polyunsaturated fats, particularly omega-6. People need to consume fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3 in a certain balance, which currently does not exist because people consume too much of these oils ( 38 ).

A diet rich in Omega-6 and poor in omega-3 may contribute to inflammation in the body, and this is one of the key factors of almost all chronic western diseases ( 39, 40 ). In addition, these fatty acids are incorporated into cell membranes, but polyunsaturated fat can react with the oxygen and start radical chain reactions in the cell membranes which can damage the important molecules such as proteins or DNA ( 41, 42 ). In addition, what many people do not realize is that because of the way these oils are processed ( which involves high temperatures ) .

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